FACT: NO. The color of the egg depends upon the type of hen that lays them. The only difference between white eggs and brown eggs is the hen that laid them! Simply put, white eggs are laid by white hens and brown eggs are laid by brown hens. As far as nutrition and taste, they are exactly the same.
Myth: Brown eggs are more expensive than white eggs because they are healthier
FACT: NO. There is no difference in nutritional value between brown eggs and white eggs. Brown eggs are pricier because they come from bigger chickens that cost more to raise.
Myth: You should not eat eggs during pregnancy to avoid your baby developing an allergy to them
FACT: There is no research to support this belief. Eggs have many proteins and nutrients which are beneficial for pregnant women and baby that augment healthy growth and overall development of baby’s brain.
Myth: Are Organic and free-range eggs better for you than standard eggs?
FACT: There are no nutritional differences between organic, free-range and standard eggs. The only nutritional differences in eggs come from those laid by hens with special-fed diets, such as omega-3 enriched eggs.
Myth: Eating eggs every day is bad for my health
FACT: The American Heart Institute recommends daily inclusion of foods from the lean meat and poultry, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds, and legumes/beans food group. The amounts needed vary depending on age and gender but the most common recommendation is two and half serves daily; two large eggs (100g) is equal to one serve. Eggs are nutritious, cost-effective and delicious.
Myth: The built-in tray on the refrigerator door is the best place to store eggs
FACT: NO. The built-in tray on your fridge door is not the place for keeping eggs fresh and tasty. The opening and closing of the door results in quick and frequent temperature shifts, which negatively impacts the egg freshness. Egg cartons are specifically designed to prevent breaks and bumps, and they’re the best tool for preventing odors from your fridge from getting into your precious eggs.
Unless you get through eggs quickly, the egg slots on your fridge door aren’t actually the ideal place for them. “On the door, where it’s being opened and closed a lot, there are a lot of temperature shifts,” says Cohn.
Myth: The color of the yolk determines the quality of an egg
FACT: No. The color of the yolk depends upon the diet of the chicken and does not determine the quality of the egg
Myth: Older people and kids should not eat eggs every day
FACT:No. Eggs are a good source of high-quality protein and contain 11 vitamins and minerals for all age groups. This makes them an excellent choice for the different nutritional requirements of kids and those over 60 years of age.
Myth: Children under 1 year shouldn’t eat eggs
FACT: NO. 2% of children are allergic to eggs. It’s okay to give babies protein-rich foods as soon as they turn 7 months. You may start with 2 tbsps of it. Add products one by one and observe the child’s reactions. If the allergy doesn’t occur within 4 days, everything’s fine. In other cases, it’s better to see a pediatrician.
Myth: There are only White or Brown Eggs
Fact: NO. Chicken eggs can be different, but we usually only see brown and white ones. The color of the shell depends on the breed: leghorn chickens have white eggs and Rhode Island chickens have brown eggs. Some breeds like the Araucana, Ameraucana, and others have blue or green eggs
Myth: People with high cholesterol shouldn’t eat eggs
FACT: NO. Proven studies have shown that high-cholesterol foods like eggs don’t actually affect blood levels of cholesterol very much. Eating four or five eggs a week should still be safe for anyone at risk for heart disease.